Source Material
This list represents writers who contributed to revisions, etc. following the original production.
Translation (German)
Click on the title for info on the song.
Recordings listed here were done in the studio specifically to release as recordings. They do not represent cast recordings of a particular production.
Source Material
This list represents writers who contributed to revisions, etc. following the original production.
Translation (German)
Based on the play I Am a Camera by John Van Druten and The Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood
Set amidst the changing times in Berlin between the two world wars, American writer Clifford Bradshaw gets caught up in the dingy world of the Kit Kat Klub.
Although the routine was in the original production, the title "Kickline" did not appear in the original program but has sometimes been used in revival programs and on recordings. In the original production, this instrumental version of "If You Could See Her" (segueing at the end into an instrumental version of "Tomorrow Belongs to Me") was listed as "If You Could See Her." When the sung version (with the gorilla) was performed a bit later in the show, it was listed as a reprise of "If You Could See Her."
For the film version this selection was replaced by "Tiller Girls" which used music based on "Two Ladies" with additional new music.
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